God's Word for July 12, 2020

God's Word for July 12, 2020
Free to ALL:
As the world is moving in a NEW direction, we at Old Friendship are moving in that way as well. We recognize that many may not be able to come out to the house of worship at times and yet crave the Word of God. We all need to hear the Word so that we are continually reminded of the Rules an WAYS of our Lord to help Guide us through our daily lives.
Therefore, we at Old Friendship MBC will start having Online and Streaming broadcasts of our Sunday School and Worship Service. We invite ALL to call-in and listen in and watch as we Expand God's Kingdom to all that is willing to hear!
CALL: 1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 823-2734-2719
Topic: Fourth Sunday - OFMBC Church Online/Phone - Sunday School and Worship Services
Start Time : Jul 12, 2020 09:59 AM
Meeting Recording:
Topic: Is Your Church like the Church of Smyrna. We are to look at ourselves as a congregational whole and see where we fit. Are we like this Church that is spoken of by the angels - or do we require some work in certain areas to improve our church.
Topic: Prayer of Faith. As we learn the Gospel of Jesus, he continuously teaches us through parables and examples. The sermon show how Jesus teaching to his disciples always follows a pattern. This can also be applied to every follower:
1) Jesus gives us a Command
2) Jesus gives us a Promise
3) He gives us a Procedure to achieve the command
4) He gives us the Warning if now followed
Topic: Christmas is FOR US. As the Christmas Holiday approaches and many of people begin to celebrate the Birth of our Jesus Christ, many fall into the mindset of just getting or give presents or gifts. This mindset could lead those follower in a manner that loses the true GIFT. And don't recognize that The GIFT is FOR US. The gift of Jesus Christ is for our lives.